Gostovanje italijanskega učitelja kemije
20. 3. 2023V okviru projekta Erasmus+ je senčenje na delovnem mestu na naši šoli od 14. do 17. 3. 2023 opravil italijanski profesor kemije, Alessandro Panaroni, ki na višji srednji politehniški šoli v Urbinu poučuje dijake od 14. do 19. leta.

Večino časa je hospitiral pri pouku kemije in laboratorijskem delu (maturitetni vaji), nekaj ur pa tudi pri pouku biologije in fizike. Za dijake 1. e je pripravil skupinsko eksperimentalno delo na temo sinteze plinov: ogljikovega dioksida, kisika in vodika. Dijaki so pri uri navdušeno sodelovali, med seboj tekmovali in se pri tem tudi zabavali.
Svoje izkušnje s senčenjem na Gimnaziji Ledina je predstavil tako:
From Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th of March I had a Job Shadowing experience at Ledina Secondary School in Ljubljana, thanks to the Ersamus+ program that allows European teachers to visit other schools to gain a new perspective and compare different educative systems.
Staying at Ledina has been an excellent opportunity to reach these objectives thanks to the exceptional welcome I received at the school and the magnificent work of activity planning carried out by Professor Nika Cebin, my tutor during this week.
The first day was dedicated to visiting the school: a modern structure in a historical building, very functional, with some very inspiring spaces, that it would be desirable to reproduce in Italian schools as well. During that day I also had the opportunity to meet many colleagues, mainly from the scientific disciplines, and also the principal with whom I had an in-depth discussion on the Slovenian school system. At the end of the day, I went into the classroom to observe the chemistry lesson with the final-year students; the students seemed very motivated and attentive with a high level of participation.
although the classes observed had no laboratory this week, I still had the opportunity to observe practical activities on Friday afternoon and to carry out one in cooperation with my tutor for a first-year class.
During this busy week, I was also able to visit another institute where I attended physics and chemistry classes, while in Ledina I was also able to observe the science and physics lab. All this was ‘spiced up’ with cultural moments such as visits to museums in the city and surrounding towns.
In conclusion, I can safely say that this experience has left me with a lot, both professionally and personally. Certainly, this week has consolidated a collaborative relationship that will lead to further exchanges of teachers and students interested in cultural and professional enrichment, as it was for me.